Friday, September 26, 2008

So you think you're smart?

I challenge you to get over 70% on this. It took me a few tries. And by few I mean over 10.

I bet you $10 that you don't do as well as you think you will.

On second thought, I'll let you keep the $10. Since America is bankrupt and all.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Kudos, NYT...this is one of the most genuine pieces of coverage I've seen in awhile.

Read this.

AND look at the slideshow.

and wait for some cool stuff I've been working on to post on here (aka video and pictures) :)

Friday, September 12, 2008


There are a handful of Americans at my office here. Two of them were in the office today. Neither said a word about it being 9/11. Not a peep. I was surprised.

Another American called me in the early afternoon from our nearby office to ask me if anyone had said anything. He was angry that no one had said anything to him along the lines of 'my condolences'.

Either way, there was no mention of it from anyone here--can't believe it was 7 years ago.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Really? There was an earthquake?

We felt the tremors from an earthquake in Iran today. Apparently some people in the high rise towers were evacuated.

I, on the other hand, sat at my desk, thinking it was just another day when there were too many jack hammers going outside my office where they're doing construction. Or maybe, they were blasting or digging in the Dubai Pearl area, which is right across the roundabout from my building.

Whoops. I mean it had been rumbly before...but I feel so jaded. The two pregnant women in my office were all "OH MY GOD! WHAT IS THAT?! DO YOU FEEL THAT?! OH MY GOD! And then some Arabic chat which I think meant they intuitively felt they were in danger or should evacuate the building so didn't fall on them. Go figure.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What's in a name?

One of the more quirky things I've learned while living here is that most people in the Middle East are very attached to their names--or rather, their meaning.

Everyone here knows what their name means. And probably likes it. And probably talks about it. It made me realize that back 'west', we don't really know/care what our names mean, with the exception of we were named after someone or something significant to our parents/grandparents/etc. Granted, some people are very attached to their names, but it can get excessive.

So, it made me wonder about my name. I knew it was Welsh, but that was about it. Enter my Welsh friend at work, Melissa. I told her I looked up my name on a website (like this one) and that it said that my name meant 'warrior of the sea' in Welsh, but it was spelled Maredudd. She tells me that 'dd' is pronounced 'th' in Welsh. Boom. Every day is a school day.

So, then I started learning what all these Arabic names mean...

Amira = princess
Hilal = moon crescent
Kareem = joyful, happy (this month, they say 'Ramadan Kareem', as in 'Happy Ramadan')
Rabih = spring (the season)
Sherif = honorable
Marwan = honest

And the list goes on...

Even last names have meaning: marketing intern's last name is Temsah, which means crocodile.

Oh the joys of language. Name meanings notwithstanding, I still only know like 10 words in Arabic. The pronunciation can be quite challenging. Like dutch. Or Mandarin...know what I mean?

Monday, September 1, 2008

A tale of two countries

Happy Labor Day to all of you residing in the U.S. of A. Enjoy your day of sunshine, barbecues, backyard parties, and your last long weekend of summer.

Meanwhile, over here in the U.A.E. we welcomed the Holy Month of Ramadan. Yes, the official religion of the country is Islam. Ergo, according to the moon cycles, there is a month of fasting, daily from sun-up to sundown, for all practicing Muslims. The really observant ones pray 5 times a day, too--but they do that year round anyway, so no biggie.

The government sets the sunrise and sunset times, i.e. setting the parameters of the fast. Even the end of the month isn't set, as it totally depends on the moon. So, you might think your last day of fasting is September 30th, and then poof, it's really October 3rd. Rough crowd.

In other news, this translates into the official workday being 9am-3pm, even for those who aren't fasting. Too bad that's not feasible for me. Ramadan also means you cannot eat, drink, or smoke in public places of any kind, whether you're Muslim or not. Including your car. All the restaurants shut down during the day--no eating in, and only some do delivery. It's like a mandated month off for the food industry during working hours. I guess a blessing and a curse, when you think about it.

I just miss being able to sip my morning coffee/tea at my desk. I now do it standing up in the pantry kitchen, out of sight. And I can't drink water at my desk during the day. Or have a mid-afternoon snack. I even got nervous when I almost started chewing gum in my car on the way home. The policia doesn't mess around.

Mind you, most of my floor isn't fasting, but for the select few, I feel it's the classy thing to do to be respectful. I mean, if you were Jewish and had work at a bakery during passover, you'd be pissed. Or if you gave up chocolate for lent, and somehow won an all expenses trip to Hershey Park, that'd just be wrong.

Hence, I feel like it's the right thing to do to not bring any wafts of food/drink into the cubicle area. Mind you, when it hits the 4th consecutive week of this, I might not feel so neighborly...then again, at least I'm not the one having to maintain a regular work load, at back-to-school speed, while fasting. Just sayin'.